ყველა სტატია /

I want to cancel additional services. How do I do that?

If you accidentally added additional services to your booking, you can cancel them by contacting the seller. You can find the seller’s name in your ticket.
Be aware that some sellers have very strict rules, such as that you can only cancel services on the date of purchase and only if they haven’t been carried out yet. If the agency has already checked you in online and sent you your boarding pass, they won’t be able to refund you for that service.
Therefore, we advise you to contact the seller as early as possible – as soon as you realise that you don’t need the service.
როგორ დავუკავშირდეთ ბილეთების გამყიდველს
შეიყვანეთ ავიაკომპანიის ან სააგენტოს სახელი საკონტაქტო დეტალების სანახავად
If you need any help, simply describe your situation to us, attach your ticket in the feedback form at the bottom of the page, and press send. You'll find your ticket at the email address you specified when booking. It normally arrives within 3 hours.
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