How can we help?
Here we have gathered answers to the most important and popular questions related to flights.
Top questions
About the service
Ticket and check-in
Checked and carry‑on baggage
Traveling with children
Traveling with pets
Ticket refund and exchanges
All about layovers
Technical info
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Top questions
About the service
Ticket and check-in
Checked and carry‑on baggage
Traveling with children
Traveling with pets
Ticket refund and exchanges
All about layovers
Technical info
Top questions
I didn’t receive my ticket. What should I do?
I want to return my ticket. How do I do that?
I need to change my departure date. What should I do?
I made a mistake in my details when booking. How do I correct it?
How do I add baggage?
About the service
How Aviasales works
How our website works
How do I book a ticket?
Ticket and check‑in
Do I have to print my ticket?
I haven’t received an SMS message with a payment confirmation code. What should I do?
I didn’t receive my ticket. What should I do?
I made a mistake in my details when booking. How do I correct it?
I want to cancel additional services. How do I do that?
How do I check in for my flight online?
How early should I arrive at the airport?
How do I select seats for my flight?
Checked and carry‑on baggage
How do I find a ticket including baggage?
How do I check the size and maximum weight allowance for baggage?
How do I add baggage if I’ve already bought a ticket?
How do I add baggage for just one passenger?
My baggage is lost. What should I do?
Where can I find the baggage allowances?
Traveling with children
How do I buy a child ticket?
I already bought my ticket. How do I add a child to it?
I’m pregnant. Am I allowed to fly?
Do infants need a ticket?
Traveling with pets
What do I need to do to bring my pet with me?
Ticket refund and exchanges
I want to return my ticket. How do I do that?
I need to change my departure date. What should I do?
I missed my flight. What should I do?
I wasn’t allowed on the flight. What should I do?
Seller’s contact details
All about layovers
How do I select tickets without layovers?
How long is my layover? Will I be on time?
If my plane is delayed and I miss my connection flight, what should I do?
Can I see the city on a long layover?
I’m on my layover and I don’t want to keep flying. Is that possible?
Why do different sellers sell the same ticket at different prices?
What do I do if the price is not the same as in the search results when I go to buy the ticket?
Do the prices in the app and on the website differ?
What do ticket prices comprise of?
Does Aviasales take a commission?
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