How do I add baggage if I’ve already bought a ticket?
You can add baggage to your ticket after purchase. You’ll need your booking code or ticket number, last name of the passenger and the email address specified in the booking.
Call the ticket seller and ask to include baggage. You can find the seller’s name in your ticket. Usually adding baggage in advance is cheaper than at the airport.
როგორ დავუკავშირდეთ ბილეთების გამყიდველს
შეიყვანეთ ავიაკომპანიის ან სააგენტოს სახელი საკონტაქტო დეტალების სანახავად
You can go to the airline’s website and edit the booking in your personal account.
You can pay for extra baggage at the airport, but for a small fortune.