Detailed information about Air KBZ flights to 9 destinations. We find the best flight deals from Air KBZ with no fees and commissions. We also provide flight information along with the most popular destinations.
Route | Departure | Duration | Arrival | Departure days |
Heho-Yangon | 11:25 | 1hrs. 15min. | 12:40 |
Thu, Fri, Sat
Mandalay-Yangon | 16:50 | 4hrs. 5min. | 20:55 |
Tue, Thu, Fri, Sun
Yangon-Mandalay | 12:30 | 4hrs. 5min. | 16:35 |
Tue, Thu, Fri, Sun
Yangon-Naypyidaw | 07:00 | 1hrs. 0min. | 08:00 |